Mats Rosen

Mats Rosen Academic Head

Academic Head, Kunskapsskolan Gurgaon

After being a teacher and a headmaster for many years. I started as a Headmaster with Kunskapsskolan in 2002 in our school in Ystad,  located in the south of Sweden.  Since then I have had the opportunity to develop our pedagogic program for personalized education – the KED Program – in several of our Schools. Our mission is that every student has the potential to reach beyond what they thought possible, if they get an education tailored to their individual needs and conditions. In my job I have seen this happen over and over again. And let me tell you,  It has been a great pleasure and profoundly satisfactory work to help young students achieve more than they ever thought possible with our KED Program.

In today’s complex and competitive world, children need an environment that helps them connect their world to the world outside. The trustful and engaging academic environment in our school where our teachers in their roles as personal coaches help the students set learning goals and develop their learning strategies sets the tenor for a life of continued and progressive learning.

 In Kunskapsskolan not only do our students stretch their boundaries academically but they also develop “life skills” essential in the modern world and work life – such as the ability to plan your work and to set goals, to collaborate and manage time and work and to connect with people in different countries and cultures.  At a very early stage we start a dialogue with our students to focus on their aspirations in life and what it takes to fulfill those aspirations. I cannot think of a more exciting job for a Headmaster than helping young students achieve their dreams. Our team of teachers, passionate about their students and learning will be the wind beneath their wings on their path to achievements.

As the Academic Head of Kunskapsskolan, Gurgaon, I am committed to creating a school where each child’s differences and abilities will be cherished. It will be my endeavour to make sure that the core elements of our unique, successful KED Program are implemented in the best possible way in the Indian context!  I look forward to getting to know each student and parent. I invite you to join me on this adventurous journey.  Together we can build a school that creates and molds the Global Generation.

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